unctad fu
TMCD publishes new working paper titled 'The diffusion of industrial robots - Contribution to the Routledge Handbook of Smart Technologies'

TMCD recently published a working paper titled,  'The diffusion of industrial robots - Contribution to the Routledge Handbook of Smart Technologies'. The paper was authored by …

TMCD Director speaks to Press TV about China's digital Yuan

TMCD Director Prof Xiaolan Fu recently spoke on Press TV about the prospects of the digital Yuan which is designed to enhance access as it does not require its users to have internet access.…

Facilitating access to technology for low-income countries, Prof Xiaolan Fu's contributions.

The Technology and Management Centre for Development (TMCD) aims to address some of the most important issues related to technology and management facing public and private policymakers today.…

A short video of the Inclusive Digital Model (IDMODEL) project




Prof. Xiaolan Fu speaks at joint meeting of ECOSOC and UN General Assembly on 'Developing Sustainable Infrastructure and Utilizing Science and Technology in Response to COVID-19'

TMCD Director Professor Xiaolan Fu, recently spoke at a joint meeting of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the second committee of the United Nations General Assembly 

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Fifth Sino-UK Innovation and Development Forum, Online



Women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh join Haate Haat app check-in event
IDMODEL Project policy brief (1) on China ‘Kuaishou’ and Bangladesh ‘Haate Haat’ cases