Rural E-Service in India: Participatory Co-design of Software and Business Models
The Rural E-Service in India: Participatory Co-design of Software and Business Models project examines new and sustainable ways to deliver e-services and develop innovation capacity in poverty stricken communities. This project worked with rural co-operatives in India to develop new sustainable ways for them to deliver services and to develop their capacity to innovate in the way they use existing information and communications technologies that are available to them. The research scrutinizes 'best practice' participatory methods from the world of ICT design and from international development to identify creative ways in which these methods can be combined effectively.
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Project Outputs

The Impact of ICT on Agricultural Extension Services Delivery: Evidence from the Rural e-services Project in India (Xiaolan Fu and Shaheen Akter)
Working Papers

Sustainability of Technology-intensive Social Innovations: The Role of Absorptive Capacity and User-orientation (Xiaolan Fu and Christine Polzin)