Event details

R&D Management Special Issue Workshop


R&D management under disruption is important for both leading firms in developed countries and latecomer firms in emerging economies. To embrace the disruption opportunity, firms must make smart R&D decisions under uncertainty. The innovation system approach argues that innovation capabilities of nations, regions or sectors are an outcome of a set of actors in the national, regional or sectoral innovation system, i.e. the state, universities and research institutes, and industries, and the interactions between them. Different types of disruption might trigger different R&D activities of various players in innovation systems. In this special issue, we call for an innovation system approach to tackling challenges faced by R&D managers, industry practitioners, and policymakers in the time of disruption.

Guest editors:

Xiaolan Fu, University of Oxford

Daitian Li, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading

Max von Zedtwitz, Copenhagen Business School

Beverly Wagner, University of Strathclyde

Time: Jul 13, 2022 2:30 PM CET (1:30PM London, 20:30 PM Beijing)

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91373729926?pwd=OHJqTC9TcVFwSU5ta0NhajdxYXh4QT09


Workshop agenda

Scope of the special issue:

We welcome submissions that address the intersection of disruption, uncertainty, and R&D management. We are open to different methodological approaches, such as conceptual, qualitative, and quantitative research.


First date of the open call: March 2022

Online submission window: December 1, 2022 – January 31, 2023

Expected publication date: First half of 2024

Author engagement:

Pre-submission webinar at 2022 R&D Management Annual Conference, 13 Wednesday from 2.30pm until 3:30pm (CET)

R&R workshop

Post-publication panel

Please click on here for more details.